Bookkeeping – Accurate and timely financial information is crucial for the entrepreneurs to make the right business decisions and it is one of the major challenges, irrespective of size. For startups, the stakes are often much higher, and bearing the cost of a fully staffed accounting department is often unrealistic. Finstein, with an experienced team of accountants, ensure that the entrepreneurs have the timely financial information to improve their business and to comply with regulatory requirements. Entrepreneurs can focus on business.

Statutory Audit and Due Diligence Support​ – With the increased regulatory compliances, organizations go through many audits in a financial year. This is pushing organizations to have a dedicated staff for supporting such audits. Meeting requirements of auditors during a statutory audit or diligence reviews are laborious, time-consuming, and technically challenging. The team of experts at Finstein with decades of experience in handling complex audits, can work with you and the auditors to easily navigate the audits and ensure timely completion, leaving more time for the business and accounting team for their regular functions.

Financial Statement Preparation ​ – Our experts will use the information in the accounting system and prepare standalone financial statements and consolidation of financials in compliance with the relevant Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Our clients appreciate us for the accuracy and on-time delivery of financial statements and adhering to related reporting timelines.

GAAP review and conversion​​ – With the increase in multi-location operations of companies, there is a mandatory requirement for reporting under different regional GAAP requirements. We at Finstein, can help you in assessing the impact of various GAAPs and in the conversion of financials as required in US GAAP, Ind AS, IFRS or IGAAP. We also equip the client with customized templates for GAAP conversion.

Management Reporting and support​ ​ – Many times it could be seen that timely financial reports and inputs that management requires are not available on a timely basis. The preparation of MIS itself is a laborious task that too when it is disconnected with the underlying books. We at Finstein, ensure timely, accurate, appropriate information to the management and avoid disjoint between the underlying books of account and MIS.
Our team of experts uses technology and AI to simplify the MIS preparation and delivery process.