Internal Audit – Finstein can meet all of your internal audit needs on a full-service outsourcing arrangement or a co-sourcing arrangement, bringing our in-depth industry knowledge, innovative tools, methodologies, training, and experience to your organization.

Internal Financial Controls Compliance – Companies Act, 2013 mandates implementation of the Internal Financial Controls (IFC) system for applicable companies. Our team at Finstein, has vast experience in designing and implementing Internal Financial Controls. We go a step ahead to help companies automate controls resulting in reduced efforts to achieve IFC/ICFR compliance year on year.

Enterprise Risk Management – In today’s environment of intricate regulations and business complexity, Organizations must take a comprehensive approach to Enterprise Risk Management. A good ERM framework would enable organizations to identify risks on a timely basis and implement appropriate mitigating controls. Our team at Finstein, has worked with Industry leaders in assessing business-critical risks, evaluating existing controls, and recommending suitable controls.

Cost reviews and validation – Often organizations are under tremendous pressure to manage costs. Cost review and validation can be used as a tool by Management to rationalize costs and look at opportunities for cost reduction. Our team at Finstein, has significant experience in performing cost reviews and identifying areas for cost rationalization and reduction.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): Design and Development – SOPs are a great tool to help the consistent operation of routine activities. It helps in clear communication of expected operations and holding employees accountable for operating effectiveness. Our team at Finstein can design and develop SOPs. We go a step ahead in recommending industry best practices.